Welcome to our new trinket and jewelry box page!

These are hand-made and polished jewelry boxes, made from fossilized marble from Morocco. Each has several types of squids, ammonites, jelly fish; and other pre-historic sea life embedded. For complete descriptions, pricing, expanded views simply click the photo of your choice. Thank you for taking the time to view these items.

Up-dated 06-08-14

2-4.jpg (760405 bytes)


2 1/4  inch round trinket boxes, approx 2 inches high


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2-9.jpg (432250 bytes)

2-11.jpg (415041 bytes)

2-13.jpg (434632 bytes)

2-14.jpg (440259 bytes)






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6-inch round, 3-inch high

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6-inch round, 3-inch high

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6-inch round, 3-inch high






3 1/2 x 4 inch heart-shaped boxes

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same box, shown open on right


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#1 inside and top

Next 10 are appx. 3 x 6 inches, except last 1 which are 3 x 5 x 2-3 inches deep.

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